This is a somewhat different Dickens's birthday post from the lighthearted kind I usually do. Bear with me.
The past few weeks have been tumultuous ones. In the midst of the whirlwind, I believe many of us have been asking ourselves if it's too frivolous to spend time on things like art, fiction, and music. I know I have. I love this little blog, but I've wondered at times if keeping it going right now might be a mere distraction from more important priorities. Also, sometimes I've just plain had trouble concentrating on Dickensian research and writing.
But I keep coming back to this thought: We need Dickens. We need him now more than ever. He was a flawed man, but at his best he consistently reminded us of the value of kindness, generosity, compassion, justice, fairness, even of being able to see a joke in dark times. We need those reminders right now. We need to keep seeing others "as if they really were fellow-passengers to the grave, and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys," as he taught us.
So happy birthday, Mr. Dickens, and I'll keep trying my best to honor and appreciate the great gift you've given us. May we hold your words in our hearts, and may they guide us forward.
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