The Gospel in Dickens
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April 27, 2009


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Your first paragraph nearly brought me to tears — you put it so beautifully!

And what happened to the legacy left by Arthur's great uncle to amy? that isn't the money they inherited that Arthur finds, is it? That was some dorrit family fortune, right? And no one knows about the legacy until the french guy reveals it. but right at the end they are broke until Arthur's business partner returns.
So confused...
And normally I love Andrew Davies but I feel he let the story down in this case.

Just finished watching the series on Amazon Prime. Then I discovered this blog. Now that Claire Foy seems to be winning every award this year, I decided to watch the series and was, in a word, overwhelmed. I had read a whole bunch of Dickens in college (English Literature minor) but had forgotten about this novel. The series was perfect. I appreciate your reviews and will now follow this blog. Thanks!

Thank you, Tim!

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