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August 27, 2009


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Unfortunately, it sounds like they plan on overdoing it, a la BBC's new Wuthering Heights. I have "low expectations" for it, lol. ;)

How the heck are they gonna do this in two hours? That's what bugs me about the big-screen adaptations. They have to seriously whack the plot in order to make it work at the box office, i.e., make it 'fit' for the masses. All in all, I tend to prefer the BBC mini-series formats for these great books. Just my two cents though.

Oh, and a great pun, Nibs! ;-)

It is a Gothic sort of story, so it might work.

I agree with an Christopher Harris's view that the television mini-series is a better way to go with Dickens, whose books originally came out in serial form. There have been some splendid ones over the years. Bleak House, starring Gillian Anderson and Charles Dance, made a couple of years ago for Masterpiece Theater, was extraordinary.

Hm, well, Great Expectations does have the advantage of not having many main characters or a very complex plot--in comparison with other Dickens works--I, too, would hope that they don't overdo the "terror", though. It's definitely scary/eerie enough without increasing it.

Hey Gina, I was wondering if you can inquire about news on DC at the VelvetOctopus site? Supposedly you can ask for more information, but I've e-mailed twice and got no response. I think you might have more influence as the owner of THE Dickensblog than a umble student like myself. ;)

I don't know whether they're any likelier to answer me, but I can try. Is there anything specific you'd like to know?

I asked just for "more information", but I'd like to know release dates and a cast list in particular!

They might not even have release dates at this stage of the game. But I can try to find out if they have any idea at all when it might come out.

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