Okay, having Richard Castle and his family talk up A Christmas Carol was a little blatant, considering that Disney owns ABC. But I'll take it. :-)
Speaking of, I also saw the Christmas Carol commercial on TV last night for the first time, during House. Monday night turned out to be almost as good for Mr. Dickens as Sunday night was!
ETA: I've been informed that the daughter on Castle actually appears in A Christmas Carol. Even more synergy than I thought! Nice little inside joke, that.
Support for Dickens is always a great thing, but otherwise... gotta admit I'm not excited about this Christmas Carol. Because: 1) the Muppets version will always, in my opinion, be the best. 2) There are soooo many other versions, many quite good. 3) That stop-motion animation FREAKS ME OUT. Guuhhhh.
Posted by: Valancy | September 22, 2009 at 07:51 PM