The Gospel in Dickens
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May 14, 2010


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Wow Marian, terrific! I was wondering if the Artful Dodger would ever edge is way into the story, and here is the perfect part! Mr. Guppy's heroics are particularly wonderful!

I'm a bit confused, though (which is not uncommon for me) - was Esther supposed to be visiting Caddy before she got read into London? Because at Esther's last appearance, she was hunting for Mr. Dickens. :)

Thanks! :)

About Esther; I'm not sure, I was kind of confused, too. In Chapter 3 it says '"I don’t really know,” Ada answered doubtfully. “I wish Esther were here. She would know. Where has she gone, Rick?”
“She and Miss Turveydrop were just before us, and now they are entirely gone."' So I think she and Caddy were taking a walk with Richard and Ada before they came to life. In Chapter 1, Esther was looking for Dickens, but then she met Copperfield, and he gave Dickens her message. So, she could have visited Caddy after that.

But maybe I missed something? I went back and searched each chapter, but it's very possible I missed something...

I think that Chapter 3 still had Rick and Ada confused from where they had just been read out of the book after following Caddy in the book (maybe there was a delay, lol).

Hey Gina, maybe in the next part you could explain what Caddy and Esther were doing on their visit - were they debating how to save Dickens?

I don't know if I can fit it into what I've already planned, but I'll see what I can do!

Hmm, I think I forgot that Esther had been mentioned in chapter 1. But we can just say she was read out of the book earlier than Ada and Rick...

Excellent ending! Well cliffhangared.

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