The Gospel in Dickens
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May 30, 2010


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Yeah, even as a kid, I rarely ever considered Dickens's books as tedious or hard to read. In fact, they're pretty easy to read, compared to other Victorian literature! They're long, but not hard. :) And it doesn't seem accurate to call them "depressing", either; most of them have happy endings.

Yeah, I sort of had the wrong conception of Dickens before I began reading him, too - I thought his novels would be very dark and that all his characters ended in misery. but actually, that's not true at all - yes, there is drama and sadness, but many of his good characters have happy endings!

“I hate it when they go on and on for pages describing a room.” This was exactly how my mother felt on trying to read DC. Of course this is kind of due to the fact that she read ATOTC as her first Dickens book and it's so different than the rest of his stories. :)

I agree so much with this article.
"There is, quite simply, no other writer like Charles Dickens."
That is so perfectly true.

Like the writer of the article, I first encountered Charles Dickens by way of the card game 'Authors'. As a boy, I was also a fan of the Classic Comics where I read a truncated and illustrated version of Tale of Two Cities and Oliver Twist. Later I discovered and read Dickens novels. Dostoevsky not Dickens is my favorite author but Dickens is my favorite author for the sheer pleasure of story-telling.
I have hardcover versions of all his novels and reread them regularly. A great introduction to Charles Dickens's novels is G K Chesterton's book on Dickens.

That IS a very good book. I need to remember to add it to the Amazon widget; I thought I already had, but I don't see it.

It's funny, I often find myself disagreeing with Chesterton's judgments about this or that character or novel or whatever, and yet I still love the way he writes about Dickens. He has such love and respect for him.

^ ^
I agree that I DISagree with Chesterton's judgments (just witness his DC review...'nuff said XD) but like you Gina, I do like how he appreciates Dickens' genius!

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