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January 14, 2011


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Oh, I've always been a 14-year-old girl, ever since I was about 9. Forget about staying 29 forever. I've never moved past 14.
But I don't know the slightest thing about fanmixes, though it sounds an interesting idea. Basically scoring your fandom, hmm?

Yep, that's pretty much it!

One of my LiveJournal friends has a Susan Pevensie fanmix here, as an example. (By the way, I think you'll like the title of her LJ. :-) )

This post title was very intriguing, lol...

I can't wait to hear what you come up with! I've been wanting to do a DC fanmix for awhile now so maybe I can join you! Even though I've never made one, I don't think you have to make the songs match perfectly, just so long as the bulk goes along with the character or situation. Here are some examples from a member of an LJ community I'm in:

And you know I'd offer to help you with graphics but I have way too much on my plate as it is!

No worries, I think the LJ buddy I mentioned above may be able to help with graphics. I know you're crazy busy!

I would love to see your DC fanmix!

I can help you make graphics, Gina! Just let me know what I need to help with. (:

This is a beautiful idea! I can't wait to see your fanmix!
I'll try to put together a Great Expectations one.

Selenia, can't wait to see yours!

Lydia, I'll let you know if I need help. Thanks so much for the offer!

"(By the way, I think you'll like the title of her LJ. :-) )"
Wahahaha! I did! I did!

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