If you've been around these parts any length of time, you know we're fortunate enough to have some wonderful writers here. One of them, Nina, has posted an explanation of how she imitates Dickens's style. Visit the new blog that she's co-moderating, and you too can learn to imitate The Inimitable!
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I’ve been really enjoying your blog. Lots of great links and content—I have learned a lot. I was sad to see that this particular link was broken! (I have enjoyed Nina’s fic very much). A friend and I have just started a dickens fanfiction community on livejournal: http://dickenskink.livejournal.com/ We have separate fic promp and discussion threads for each Dickens novel. Prompts of all kinds are welcome, and one doesn’t need a livejournal account to participate. Just fyi, and if you wanted to mention it to your readers, great! No pressure, though, of course!
Posted by: Molly | July 04, 2016 at 02:19 PM