The New Yorker reviews the Morgan exhibit, ending with this:
". . . The author wrote in an initialed note to Marcus Stone, the illustrator of 'Our Mutual Friend,' about a certain character’s appearance: 'A weird sharpness not without beauty, is the thing I want.'"
They don't say who the character is, but I remember, from seeing the exhibit. Can you guess who it is? First person to get it right wins two Dickens postcards from the Morgan gift shop.
Jenny Wren, the crippled doll's dressmaker .
Posted by: Barbara Zimmerman | November 29, 2011 at 11:56 PM
Well done, Barbara! I'll e-mail you for your address.
Posted by: Gina | November 30, 2011 at 08:19 AM
Thank you Gina! I really enjoyed your Dickens at 200 exhibit when I visited earlier this month. Hope to get back for a second glance before it ends. The Morgan Library & Museum is such an incredible place.
Posted by: Barbara Zimmerman | November 30, 2011 at 09:20 AM