One would certainly hope so, seeing as how it's London and all. And hey, if Voldemort and Mary Poppins are going to face off, anything can happen!
I have plans tonight and may not be able to catch the entire thing. But if you watch and happen to spot anything Dickensian, drop by and let us know!
Update: I don't have access to a live feed, and this isn't being televised live here, but I hear Kenneth Branagh showed up as Scrooge. So there's that! Will put up pictures and/or video when I find them.
Update: Thanks to commenters Elizabeth and Zeb for reporting, respectively, that Branagh was attired simply as Generic Victorian Gentleman, and that all we got of Dickens was a teensy clip from David Lean's Oliver Twist film. How depressing. Dare we hope for anything in the closing ceremony?
Eh, Kenneth Branagh wasn't Scrooge per se. He was... random dude in tophat & Victorian dress, quoting Shakespeare. And then chewing on a cigar and acting like he was The Boss.
Posted by: Elizabeth R | July 28, 2012 at 01:38 AM
Hi there! This is such a great blog, by the way. :)
I was really disappointed by the lack of Dickens in the ceremony. HOWEVER, in that one confusing part where the movie clips were reflected on the house, I did see a 3-second-ish clip of the Oliver Twist "Please, sir, I want some more," scene from the old movie. Better than nothing, I guess. :D
Posted by: Zeb | July 28, 2012 at 11:57 AM
Thank you both for the updates and corrections!
Posted by: Gina | July 28, 2012 at 04:47 PM
From Catalonia.
I was expecting for Dickens (or Dickens characters) but I feel disappointed.
Only saw this short scene of Oliver Twist film.
Fantastic ceremony, but... I missed Dickens!
Posted by: Assumpta Casadejús | July 29, 2012 at 07:47 AM