Novelist Joshua Cohen is launching a highly unusual literary project. According to the Guardian, Cohen is set to "reinterpret" The Pickwick Papers online:
"Cohen, author of the acclaimed novel Book of Numbers, will begin writing PCKWCK on 12 October at 1pm EST. Over the next five days, visitors to will be able to watch as, for five hours a day, he turns out his version of Dickens’s novel in real time.
"Browsers will also be able to offer feedback to Cohen 'that may affect the outcome of the novel', and discuss progress with the author and other readers in a chat room, said publisher Useless Press."
Go here to learn more! It sounds like Cohen is taking on a daunting task -- it's hard enough to write without (a) trying to recreate a masterpiece and (b) talking with readers and incorporating their input as you do it. But it should be fascinating to watch!
Sadly enough, his effort has virtually nothing to do with Dickens and reads like bad Kafka with a touch of Pyncheon. I'm pulling the bookmark before he finishes. This isn't even Dickens in name only.
Posted by: Christopher Lord | October 13, 2015 at 04:24 PM
Yeah, I'm afraid you're right. I kept wondering if I was missing something . . .
Posted by: Gina | October 14, 2015 at 12:02 AM