Charles Dickens turns up as a character in AMC miniseries "The Terror," which begins tomorrow night. The 10-episode series is based on the ill-fated Franklin expedition to the Arctic in 1845. As you may know, Dickens tried to help Sir John Franklin's wife, Lady Jane Franklin, rehabilitate her husband's reputation after the expedition met its end -- not in very creditable ways, unfortunately. But from what I can make out from this New York Times review, the show has Dickens involved even earlier, trying to help organize rescue operations.
(Interestingly, the source material for "The Terror" is a novel by Dan Simmons, who wrote another novel in which Dickens played a role!)
IMDb lists Tristan Teller as the actor who plays Dickens, in only one episode of the ten. Though IMDb isn't always completely accurate about these things, they may be right in this case, as Dickens would be a minor character in the saga. So don't expect to see a lot of him. But it might still be interesting to see how he's portrayed!
One more Dickens-Franklin connection, incidentally, is that the expedition inspired The Frozen Deep, which in turn inspired A Tale of Two Cities.
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