I think it's time for a new fanfic challenge around here. (That's code for "I'm suddenly and unaccountably bored with every book I'm reading and I want some good new Dickensian short stories to read.")
Here's the deal: I will give you a paragraph from a novel by another 19th-century author. You may recognize the passage, or you may not; it doesn't really matter, though I'll go ahead and let you know where it's from when everyone's done with their stories (if no one's guessed it by then).
Your mission, should you choose to accept it: Use it as your opening paragraph, and then build a Dickensian fanfic on it. It can, of course, be based on any Dickens book you desire.
Ready? Here's your paragraph:
"Unconscious of my presence, he began to pace the room in a state of fearful agitation, violently wringing his hands and uttering low groans or incoherent ejaculations. I made a movement to let him know that he was not alone; but he was too preoccupied to notice it. Perhaps, while his back was towards me, I might cross the room and slip away unobserved. I rose to make the attempt, but then he perceived me. He started and stood still a moment; then wiped his streaming forehead, and advancing towards me, with a kind of unnatural composure, said in a deep, almost sepulchural tone --"
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